How Boardswell Works

 We use a proprietary Matching Process to save you time and money while providing qualified, curated candidates to boards in need.

Whether you’re a candidate, a company, or a recruiter with a search firm, we partner with you to find the perfect fit using over 250 data points.

Boardswell data points


Recommendation Rate


Participants Enrolled


Client Organizations Served


Female Executive Participation

  • Candidates

    Candidates use Boardswell to gain access to opportunities and referrals, network with likeminded people, to find their dream executive position, and make the next leap in their career.

  • Companies

    Companies use Boardswell to enhance their brand value and performance by filling executive and board openings with high-premium people of color through warm introductions, referrals, and invitation-only Matching Events.

  • Recruiters

    Recruiters use Boardswell to gain access to a vast database and trustworthy referral network for high-premium people of color, improving the speed of finding qualified candidates, and increasing referral and placement bonuses.